Email Designer


This lab will walk through the steps to create an Email Message within a Delivery in Adobe Campaign V8:

Create a New Email Message

  1. Within your delivery properties window, scroll down and select "Edit Content" to open the Email Designer:

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  3. This will take you to the Email Designer Window:

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  5. Add a Subject Line. We chose "Check out New Luma Apparel!"
  6. Add an attachment, if you would like to do so.
  7. When complete, click on the "Edit Email Body" button:

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  9. This will open the "Create Your Email" window, where you can choose a design template, design from scratch, code your own or Import HTML:

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  11. For this exercise, let's seclect the "Luma - Features" Template:

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  13. Click "Use this Template". This will open the Email Designer, with that template in place, where you can make any changes, additions or customizations to it:

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  15. When you have completed modifications, click on the "Save & Close Button":

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  17. End of Lab